Save The Rhubarb Tavern, Bristol

or choose a reward

£40 or more

6 of 100 claimed

Turbo Island tshirt

An exclusive Rhubarb Tavern tshirt designed by Turbo Island

£25 or more

68 of 100 claimed

Supporters BBQ

Come join us for a pre-opening celebration. Have a look around the place, listen to some tunes, meet your fellow supporters and munch some barbie scran!

£50 or more

48 of 50 claimed

I saved The Rhubarb and all I got was this...

...lousy mug. Grab a 'Save The Rhubarb' mug, handmade by Tara (includes UK postage, or more for abroad).

£60 or more

8 of 50 claimed

Pottery workshop

Join us at one of our group pottery workshops, where you will hand build and decorate your own mug.

£60 or more

Music lesson

Come and do a taster lesson or brush up your musical skills; choose from range of instruments, hardware or DJ decks.

£100 or more

12 of 20 claimed

Pottery throwing lesson

Have a one on one throwing lesson in our pottery studio. Make up to three pots which will be glazed and fired for you.

£600 or more

2 of 15 claimed


Guest list to all ticketed gigs at The Rhubarb for the first year!